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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2013

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Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Cover Reveal: 100 Days in Deadland and Giveaway

100 Days in Deadland by Berinn Rae Cover Design by Berinn Rae The world ended on a Thursday. In less than three days, the world succumbed to a pestilence that decimated the living. In its place rose a new species: vicious, gruesome, wandering plague monsters with an insatiable hunger for the living. There is no shelter. No government. In this new world, you’re either a survivor or a victim. Still in her twenties, Cash has seen thousands die, only to walk again. An office worker with few survival skills, she teams up with Clutch, a grizzled big rig driver with PTSD. Together, they fight through the nine circles of hell, with nothing but Clutch’s military experience and Cash’s belief that humanity is not yet lost. As they fight to survive in the zombie inferno, they quickly discover that nowhere is safe from the undead… or the living. This is the beginning after the end. 100 Days in Deadland is a journey through “Dante’s Inferno,” the first poem in Dante Alighieri's classic tale Divi

Stacking the Shelves #11

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews. Stacking the Shelves is a way to show off what books you have received throughout the week (whether they be for review, from the library, etc.) This week: April 21st-April 28th Received from library: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky  Received from Paperbackswap: Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes What did you get this week? Leave a comment/link below and I'll come check it out! See you soon!

Blog Tour: Twisted Perfection Review and Giveaway

Twisted Perfection  (Perfection #1) by Abbi Glines ★★★★☆ Release Date: April 22, 2013 Age: New Adult/ Adult Genre: Contemporary Romance, Issues, drama, love, family issues Format: ebook Source: AToMR Tours Buy it: Amazon | Barnes and Noble Life outside of her house was a new experience for Della Sloane. The dark secrets of her past weren’t something she ever intended to share with anyone. They would never understand. No one would ever get close enough to find out. There was always a chance she’d go crazy sooner than they expected… Woods Kerrington had never been one to be attracted to fragile females. They seemed like too much work. He wasn’t in it for the work just the pleasure. A night full of naughty fun had been exactly what was on his mind when he’d laid eyes on the hot little number that didn’t know how to pump gas and needed some help. What he didn’t know was she was as fragile as they came.
The carefree girl who spoke her mind and didn’t care what the world thought of her was

Today is Crush Day!

Hello Lovely Book People! Here at The Life of Fiction I am celebrating the release of Crush , the final book in the Crash series by Nicole Williams ! I am a HUGE fan of Nicole's writing and recommend all of her books to you! (I'm nicknaming this post exclamation points galore, you'll see why!) Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository Yes, Crush gets its own day!  If you haven't picked up a copy, hop to it! Crash is the first book in the series, see my review here . Clash is the second book in the series, see my review here . My copy of Crush will be here around Thursday or Friday so boo for me. If you have your hands on a copy, I may be a tad jealous! CRASH synopsis   Southpointe High is the last place Lucy wanted to wind up her senior year of school. Right up until she stumbles into Jude Ryder, a guy whose name has become its own verb, and synonymous with trouble. He's got a rap sheet that runs longer than a senior thesis, has had his name sighed, shouted,

Top Ten Tuesday #16

Check out all the info  here  at The Broke and The Bookish's website! April 25th: Top Ten Books I liked more/less than I thought I would So for this I'll be splitting it right down the middle and the first five will be books that I liked more than I thought I would and the last five will be the one's that I liked less than I thought I would More 1. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell 2. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella 3. Marked by P.C. and Kristen Cast 4. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan 5. Tricks by Ellen Hopkins Less 1. The Host by Stephenie Meyer 2. Pop Tart by Kira Coplin and Julianne Kaye 3. Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn 4. Crazy In Love by Dandi Daley Mackall 5. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (liked this one A LOT less than I thought I would) What's on your list? See you soon!

Cover Reveal: All My Life

All My Life by Rucy Ban Release Date: May 7, 2013 Age: New Adult Genre: Contemporary Romance Seventeen-year-old Kari meets Neil Mars. “Neil as in Armstrong and Mars…as in Bruno.” A boy who beats every vampire, werewolf, highlander fantasy Kari has ever had. But she knows can’t get close to him. Not ever. Because that would mean telling him everything. Coming clean. And Kari can’t bear the idea of changing the way Neil looks at her. Like she’s the only girl in the world. His reverence is something too precious to lose. Perhaps even at the cost of losing him. But Kari doesn't know why Neil calls her his ‘Angel’ and when she finds out, she realizes what love is all about. Boundless joy, unending longing and a fuckload of heartache. ABOUT RUCY FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOODREADS | BLOG Rucy Ban was born in 1978 and still continues to thrive. Ever since she first met Francine (the protagonist of her favorite novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn), Rucy fell in love with the written word. Rucy

Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes

Synopsis from Goodreads:  Plum Sykes beguiling debut welcomes readers to the glamorous world of Park Avenue Princesses, the girls who careen through Manhattan in search of the perfect Fake Bake (tan acquired from Portofino Tanning Salon), a ride on a PJ (private jet) with the ATM (rich boyfriend), and the ever-elusive fiance.   With invitations to high-profile baby showers and benefits, more Marc Jacobs clothes than is decent, and a department store heiress for a best friend, our heroine known only as Moi is living at the peak of New York society. But what is Moi to do when her engagement falls apart? Can she ever find happiness in a city filled with the distractions of Front Row Girls, dermatologists, premieres, and eyebrow waxes? Is it possible to find love in a town where her friends think that the secret to happiness is getting invited to the Van Cleef and Arpels private sample sale? And how is she going to deal with the endless phone calls from her mother in England demanding that

I win and you win, Giveaway!

Happy Saturday folks!  In just 5 short weeks I will be getting on a plane for London, Ireland, and Scotland! When kindle ebooks go on sale I have been stocking up for my trip. And guess what! I've also been buying gift copies for you lovely people! So, to celebrate my trip AND to celebrate over 600 followers, here is an ebook giveaway! I think all are New Adult/ Mature Young Adult Romances. All copies will be gifted from Amazon, so download that kindle app if you don't have a kindle, and enter to win!! Best part is, since I'm gifting from Amazon you can redeem any copies you already own for credit :)  So spread the book love! All covers are linked to their Goodreads page, so check them out! THE BOOKS (the first 4 I've previously read and LOVED!) GIVEAWAY These are all kindle copies gifted from Amazon! Good Luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blogger Confessions #4

Here's what it's all about: "Started in January 2012, by Karen - For What It's Worth & Tiger - Tiger's All Consuming Media & now co-hosted with my good friend Pam from Midnyte reader,  Book Blogger Confessions  is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about blogging/bookish topics. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions. Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers!" April 15th Topic: How long do you see yourself blogging for? Do you think it's okay for a blog to evolve over time? For example: You may have started out as a book review blog but now your interest is in cooking as well. Do you incorporate that or start over? I want to address the last question first; I do think it's okay for a blog to evolve over time. No one should feel obligated to continue something they don't enjoy. Most of us aren't being payed to blog so do something you enjoy

Top 10 Tuesday #15

Check out all the info here at The Broke and The Bookish's website! April 16th: Top Ten Tuesday REWIND-Pick a past topic you missed or want to revisit! The previous Top Ten Tuesday I picked was Top Ten Reasons why I love blogging 1. First, and most important, it's fun! I love being able to share what I read with others and maybe influence others into reading a book. 2. It connects with me a bunch of people. I really like how by blogging I've discovered so many authors, and so many people have stopped by my blog to talk and share their blogs as well which helps me get to know them better. 3. Blogging helps me discover new genres in books. When I first started blogging I was stuck in one genre, Young Adult. Which, I know this has a lot of sub-genres but I was mainly reading contemporary romances, and now I'm reading more mystery, adult, dystopian, etc. 4. Blogging also really helps me stay on track with all the books I've purchased and keeps me on track for my reading

Release Day Blitz and Giveaway: Aberrant by Ruth Silver

Aberrant by Ruth Silver ebook Release Date: April 17, 2013 Paperback release date: July 9, 2013 Publisher: Lazy Day Publishing Age: YA Genre: Dystopian, Futuristic Cover: Lazy Day Publishing Buy it: Amazon | Barnes and Noble (links coming soon!) In the future dystopian society of Cabal, the government instills equality for all and offers its citizens the perfect system. There is food, shelter and jobs for everyone. The one requirement is to follow the rules without question, including the government's match in marriage and "The Day of the Chosen", a lottery that randomly selects families to conceive children as natural means hasn't existed in generations. Following her eighteenth birthday, Olivia Parker accepts her requirement to marry her childhood best friend, Joshua Warren, and is eager to start her work assignment and new life when it all comes abruptly to an end as she's arrested and thrown in prison. The only crime committed, her existence. Olivia is u

Happy Birthday Abbi Glines! Giveaway!

     I made the comment a few months ago about Abbi being a literary rock star. Her rock star status continues to grow and along with it her fan base. This woman deserves every bit of fame and the following she's secured. I love her writing, her witty sense of humor, her southern accent, and her ability to create swoon worthy boys. She is freaking amazing! Happy Birthday Abbi Glines!      My obsession with Abbi began with a little novel called Breathe , the first book in the Sea Breeze series. I'm not really sure how I came across it, probably  Goodreads , but as soon as I started it I knew I found a new favorite author. I read it, loved it, and here we are folks. Breathe is definitely more YA and less risque than her other novels, but I happen to love it just the way it is! Just as I do the other books!      Minus the Existence series, WHICH I OWN AND WILL READ eventually, I have read all of her other books released books; including an ARC of the upcoming  Twisted Perfection

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