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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2013

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Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Roomies by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando

Synopsis : It's time to meet your new roomie. When East Coast native Elizabeth receives her freshman-year roommate assignment, she shoots off an e-mail to coordinate the basics: television, microwave, mini-fridge. That first note to San Franciscan Lauren sparks a series of e-mails that alters the landscape of each girl's summer -- and raises questions about how two girls who are so different will ever share a dorm room. As the countdown to college begins, life at home becomes increasingly complex. With family relationships and childhood friendships strained by change, it suddenly seems that the only people Elizabeth and Lauren can rely on are the complicated new boys in their lives . . . and each other. Even though they've never met. National Book Award finalist Sara Zarr and acclaimed author Tara Altebrando join forces for a novel about growing up, leaving home, and getting that one fateful e-mail that assigns your college roommate. Release Date : December 24th, 2013 Numbe

Weekly Round-Up 11/25

Weekly Round-Up is my wrap-up of last week's activities and includes what I'm reading this week, reviews I've posted, books in the mail and anything else of interest plus From the Library, my weekly listing of what I've checked out from the library. This week I'm reading  Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen  and Reached  by Allie Condie and listening to Rotters by Daniel Kraus, read by Kirby Heyborne. With my son I'm reading Nick and Tesla's Robot Army Ramage by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith.

Blog Tour: Remy

Remy by Katy Evans ★★★★★ Release Date: November 26, 2013 Publisher: Gallery Books Age: Adult Genre: Contemporary Romance, Fighting, Love, Illness, Boxing Format: ebook Source: SUBClub Books Preorder: Amazon | Barnes and Noble Underground fighter Remington Tate is a mystery, even to himself. His mind is dark and light, complex and enlightening. At times his actions and moods are carefully measured, and at others, they spin out of control. Through it all, there's been one constant: wanting, needing, loving, and protecting Brooke Dumas. This is his story; from the first moment he laid eyes on her and knew, without a doubt, she would be the realest thing he's ever had to fight for. With my limited presence this month, I feel like all I've posted are book review for Katy Evans books. This is not a bad thing, not at all. We should just rename November to Remy-ember! Remy is the third book (kind of) in the Real series by Katy Evans. Book 1 is  Real   and book 2 is Mine . Remy i

Massive Book Haul

I feel like I should have a disclaimer for this post...So I aquired all of these books over a three month time period. As many of you may know, I have been off at college and just recently came home for winter break. Most of these books I'm going to show are one's that I had sent to my house in California while I was in Colorado. Some of them I did have sent to me though so I could read them hehehe! And some of them are from giveaways that I won at the end of summer but didn't have a chance to show before I left for college! You can check out these two quick videos I made on Instagram of all the books instead of me writing them all out. Enjoy! See you soon!

Weeky Round-Up 11/18

Weekly Round-Up is my wrap-up of last week's activities and includes what I'm reading this week, reviews I've posted, books in the mail and anything else of interest plus From the Library, my weekly listing of what I've checked out from the library. This week I'm reading  Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen  and Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan and listening to Rotters by Daniel Kraus, read by Kirby Heyborne. With my son I'm reading Nick and Tesla's Robot Army Ramage by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith. I finished Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard and Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers last week. Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan (The Lynburn Legacy #2)   It’s time to choose sides… On the surface, Sorry-in-the-Vale is a sleepy English town. But Kami Glass knows the truth. Sorry-in-the-Vale is full of magic. In the old days, the Lynburn family ruled with fear, terrifying the people into submission in order to kill for blood and power. Now the L

Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (His Fair Assassin #2) (audio)

When Sybella is sent back to the most hellish place on earth, her father's home, by the convent of St. Mortain in order to protect the Duchess and the country of Brittany, she must endure the torment of her family for her country and her god. But a mission to rescue one of the country's heroes brings her closer to the truth of her own feelings about her family and herself.   Sybella is one of the supporting characters in Grave Mercy and not one that was really explored so it was interesting to hear more of her story. I was surprised at the direction her story took but then it made sense in the context of the first book too. Sybella has a lot of dark secrets and the book manages to draw them out without making it unbearable. She manages to grow as a character too without losing any of her vigor or righteousness. I liked her relationship with Beast and thought the Beauty and the Beast connection was kind of cute though this isn't fairy tale related at all. It's just a gl

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard (Something Strange and Deadly #1)

Eleanor Fitt is one of the Philadelphia Fitts though they've fallen on hard times since her father lost his business and then died. Her mother is determined to marry her off to a rich husband in order to reclaim their wealth and standing. But the Dead are rising in Philadelphia controlled by a necromancer and Eleanor's brother is still missing. When one of the Dead gives Eleanor a letter from him, she knows that something has gone terribly wrong. So she turns to the Spirit-Hunters for help and finds herself dealing with unnatural forces. First, let me say that I read this is in 2 separate reading times. I was reading it and then it was due back so I had to wait to check it out again. One of the hazardous of this is having a disjointed reading experience. I'll try not to reflect that in the review but just so you know. The other thing is that I expected this to be a zombie novel and it's kind of not really. There are dead rising, yes, but not of their own power (not all

Blog Tour: Mine by Katy Evans

Mine  (Real #2) by Katy Evans ★★★★★ Release Date: November 5, 2013 Publisher: Gallery Books Age: Adult, Mature 17+ Gen re:  Contemporary Romance, Illness, Lust, Boxing Format: ebook Source: The SUBClub Books Buy it: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo “I will do anything to make her MINE.” —Remington Tate 

 In the international bestseller REAL, the unstoppable bad boy of the Underground fighting circuit finally met his match. Hired to keep him in prime condition, Brooke Dumas unleashed a primal desire in Remington “Remy” Tate as vital as the air he breathes . . . and now he can’t live without her. 

Brooke never imagined she would end up with the man who is every woman’s dream, but not all dreams end happily ever after, and just when they need each other the most, Brooke is torn away from the ringside. Now with distance and darkness between them, the only thing left is to fight for the love of the man she calls  MINE . Are you ready for this? You can't be. You can't be prepared

Feminism and Romance in YA Lit

            Before fully discussing the topic of feminism and romance in Young Adult literature, I think it is important to establish some definitions. When discussing feminism, there can be many interpretations and ideals about what exactly is feminism; therefore, the three different waves of feminism will be referenced separately and as their own categories. However, when feminism is stated as an overall subject, it simply means, in the context of this article, that it is gender equality between men and women.             The first wave of feminism, according to The Magazine of Pacific University was to, “…open up opportunities for women, with a focus on suffrage.” The second wave focused more on sexuality and reproductive rights. This wave is arguably the most radical as well. The third wave of feminism, while not completely defined just yet, focuses on the idea of the appearance of feminist-like qualities (i.e. dressing very girly and in dresses and bows). However, these feminists

Weekly Round-Up 11/11

Weekly Round-Up is my wrap-up of last week's activities and includes what I'm reading this week, reviews I've posted, books in the mail and anything else of interest plus From the Library, my weekly listing of what I've checked out from the library. This week I'm reading  Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen and listening to Rotters by Daniel Kraus, read by Kirby Heyborne. With my son I'm reading Nick and Tesla's Robot Army Ramage by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith. I finished Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard and Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers so I will be reviewing those soon.

I'm back!

Hey everyone! Hopefully some of you are still here to read this...*crickets chirping* Well, it was a long shot. Anyways hello all! I hope you've been having a great past few months and are getting ready for winter. I've been having a great first quarter in college and have been preparing for winter myself (it's quite chilly here in Denver lately! Last night got down to 21 degrees!). Starting November 19th I will be returning home for my winter break which will last until January 5th. During this time I will be reviewing books once again! Yay! However, I will still not be able to accept any review requests. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to read in college, which is really sad. I've read I think 3 in the 3 months that I've been here. Truly depressing. Anyways, get ready for lot's of reviews coming your way! Thanks all for sticking around! See you soon!

Weekly Round-Up 11/4

Weekly Round-Up is my wrap-up of last week's activities and includes what I'm reading this week, reviews I've posted, books in the mail and anything else of interest plus From the Library, my weekly listing of what I've checked out from the library. This week I'm reading Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard and the finishing Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen and listening to Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers, read by Angela Goethals. With my son I'm reading Nick and Tesla's Robot Army Ramage by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith. I reviewed Allegiant by Veronica Roth.

Cover Reveal: Psycho Inside Me

Bonnie R. Paulson's Psycho Inside Me releases November 30, 2013. This YA thriller romance is fast, fun, and more than a little dangerous. See why... Psycho Inside Me I killed my first victim at thirteen years old – my age, not his. He was going to rape me, him and a couple of his friends. And so, I killed him. And then… I killed again. And again. At seventeen, I’m killing four to six times a year – maybe more. Don’t stress out. I only go after the pedophiles and rapists. There are more out there than I could cover in a lifetime. Saying I did this on my own would be selfish. Enforcing justice holds a glory all its own.   But now, my lifelong friend and backup, Deegan, has been arrested. I have to decide if I want to give myself up and take his place or leave him with all the damning evidence. I don’t want to stop killing. But if I let him take the fall, I can’t kill anymore. And I need to keep doing that . I can’t kill anymore. And I need to keep doing that . But the worst p

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