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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2015

Bài đăng nổi bật

Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Boston Jacky: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Taking Care of Business by L.A. Meyer (Bloody Jack #11)

Jacky Faber has a habit of making waves--even when docked in her adopted city of Boston, where she is attending to the business of Faber Shipping Worldwide. With big dreams and perhaps a bit too much exuberance for the very Puritan populace, she purchases the Pig and Whistle Inn, determined to revive her old stomping grounds and establish a musical theater. But Jacky quickly finds herself at odds with the Women's Temperance Union and a town roiling with tension over the arrival of hundreds of Irish laborers--brought in by her very own Lorelei Lee . As things heat up, both literally and figuratively, she's soon back in Judge Thwackham's courtroom facing the dozen lashes promised the last time she stood before the judge. Thwarted at every turn by her enemies, Jacky is finally forced to confront her shortcomings--and possibly lose her beloved Jaimy Fletcher in the process. It doesn't seem right to not finish out my reviews on the Jacky Faber series. The penult

Weekly Round-Up 4/27

Weekly Round-Up is my wrap-up of last week's activities and includes what I'm reading this week, reviews I've posted, books in the mail and anything else of interest plus From the Library, my weekly listing of what I've checked out from the library. I'm not sure what I'm reading because I keep switching between Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Steifvator and The Shadow Cabinet by Maureen Johnson. So it's one of those at any given time. Maybe one day I'll finish one of them. I'm still in a reading slump though my own weirdness and not because I can't find a good book. It's all me. Anyway. I'm listening to Wild Rover No More by L.A. Meyer, the last Jacky Faber book and, with my son, Peter and the Shadow Thieves . He immensely enjoyed Peter and the Starcatchers so we are following along with that series.

Review: The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider

The Beginning of Everything by  Robyn Schneider ★★★☆☆ Release Date: 2013 Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Age: YA Genre: Contemporary Romance, Tragedy, Love, Coming of Age, High School Format: ebook Source: Library Buy it: Amazon | Barnes and Noble Golden boy Ezra Faulkner believes everyone has a tragedy waiting for them—a single encounter after which everything that really matters will happen. His particular tragedy waited until he was primed to lose it all: in one spectacular night, a reckless driver shatters Ezra’s knee, his athletic career, and his social life. No longer a front-runner for Homecoming King, Ezra finds himself at the table of misfits, where he encounters new girl Cassidy Thorpe. Cassidy is unlike anyone Ezra’s ever met, achingly effortless, fiercely intelligent, and determined to bring Ezra along on her endless adventures. But as Ezra dives into his new studies, new friendships, and new love, he learns that some people, like books, are easy to misread. And now he m

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