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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2016

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Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Blog Tour: All Chained Up by Sophie Jordan

ALL CHAINED UP is a thrilling, sexy start to a new series by versatile writer Sophie Jordan. Having been a fan of Sophie Jordan's for years, I was so excited when this book landed in my lap. Look - I'm just gonna say it: I loved the prison setting. I am a fan of Prison Break and there's something about a hot bad boy in prison who still has a heart and protects what/who he loves. That's Knox. Knox is a fabulously delicious character that sucks in you from the start. I get it, Briar - I was attracted to him, too. And let's talk about my girl Briar, who is a sweet and idealistic and complements Knox's hard edges perfectly. They have chemistry in spades, their dialogue and ... uh, non-dialogue scenes sear the pages. ALL CHAINED UP is a brilliant start to a new series, introducing a cast of characters I can't wait for Jordan to expound on. I am so ready for the next book! ABOUT ALL CHAINED UP: Some men come with a built-in warning label. Knox Callaghan is one

Spotlight: Furious by T.R. Ragan

Synopsis:  Faith McMann comes home to a nightmare: her husband is killed and her son and daughter are taken. Although the intruders leave her for dead, she survives. Crippling grief and fear for her children make life unbearable. Until her anguish turns to anger…and she trades victimhood for vengeance. Frustrated with the law’s efforts, she takes action to rescue her children—and wreaks havoc on the brutal criminals who tore them from her. With her family and newfound allies at her side, Faith descends into the hellish underworld of human trafficking, determined to make those who prey on the innocent pray for mercy. The forces she's up against have already proven that their ruthlessness knows no bounds. And there's nothing they won't do to turn Faith's crusade into a suicide mission. But they're about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a mother fighting for her children—especially one who's earned the nickname Furious.   Links:  Amazon  |  Barnes &

Blog Tour: The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith

I discovered this beautiful book a few months ago and since then, I've been trying to get EVERYONE to read it because it must be read. It demands to be read. I had the chance to sit down with Amber Smith for a Q&A. Hi, Amber! Welcome to the blog! I am such a huge fan of THE WAY I USED TO BE and you (as you know). Hello, and thank you so much for having me! 1. So – it’s here! Your first published novel! What has the process been like for you? Amber: Well, the short answer’s been amazing! But it’s also been a long road. I started writing THE WAY I USED TO BE at the very beginning of 2010, and now, after six years it’s finally out in the world! There have been a lot of ups and downs along the way, but it’s been a wonderful journey. Scary, exciting, challenging, and so extremely rewarding, all at once! 2. Did you always want to be a writer? Or when did you know you might want to be one? Amber: Yes, I’ve wanted to be a writer ever since I was a little kid. But there weren’

Eleanor Herman Cover Reveals!!

Hey y'all!!! I'm super excited to get to share the super pretty covers for Eleanor Herman's enovella, QUEEN OF ASHES, for her Legacy of Kings  series! So .... are you ready for this?! If you look away from her face, you will die. This is the warning given to the suitors of Queen Laila of Sharuna, who must compete against one another to win the royal Egyptian’s affections. One by one, men cower under her penetrating gaze, and one by one, they are executed. That is, until Laila meets two brothers who do not cower before her: Brehan, noble and courageous…and Riel, intelligent and ambitious. As Laila is tempted by both of them and their differing approaches to magic, she decides that there is one thing she wants more than either brother’s affection: power. But when the brothers turn on each other, Laila must choose where her heart truly lies, before the brothers she loves turn her kingdom to ash.  From the  New York Times bestselling author of Legacy of Kings , Queen of Ashes

Harper Summer 2016 Tour: Girl Against the Universe

Look! You came back to me! Due to a snafu, the regularly scheduled blog didn't get their post up, but I didn't want you to miss out on today's book (which is one of my favorites from the catalog!) and the keyword!!! GIRL AGAINST THE UNIVERSE By: Paula Stokes Maguire is bad luck. No matter how many charms she buys off the internet or good luck rituals she performs each morning, horrible things happen when Maguire is around. Like that time the rollercoaster jumped off its tracks. Or the time the house next door caught on fire. Or that time her brother, father, and uncle were all killed in a car crash—and Maguire walked away with barely a scratch. It’s safest for Maguire to hide out in her room, where she can cause less damage and avoid meeting new people who she could hurt. But then she meets Jordy, an aspiring tennis star. Jordy is confident, talented, and lucky, and he’s convinced he can help Maguire break her unlucky streak. Maguire knows that the best thing she can do for

Blog Tour: Stone Field by Christy Lenzi

STONE FIELD is a beautiful mix of historical, romance, and retelling. I have to admit, I was drawn in by the historical aspect, though. I am a huge fan of historical fiction (but it must be done right) and period dramas.   There's something almost magical about slipping back into a simpler time before technology and engineering took us to a cell-phone-mandatory type of a life. There's an isolation that give a whole new dimension to a story. I can also accept insta-love a lot more in historical settings than I can nowadays. Back then everything seemed to happen so fast - engagements, marriage, children (probably because the life expectancy was much lower), but I feel like reading a historical gives insta-love a pass. It wasn't uncommon to meet someone and decide that week that you were spending forever together. STONE FIELD is a must for anyone who loves historical fiction (a genre I feel is deeply under-repped in YA).  Make sure you check out the rest of the tour: Blog Date

Blog Tour: Rebel of the Sands

And now, here's 25 things you never knew about author of REBEL OF THE SANDS, Alwyn Hamilton: 1) When I was a kid I was obsessed with pirates and desperately wanted to be one when I grew up. 2) In the same year in High School theatre I played Richard III and Mrs. Robinson from the Graduate. 3) I can roll a kayak (Or used to be able to). Conversely I once sank a sail boat. 4) I once wrote and was director of Photography for a short film noire with a detective called Ace Spade. It was my favourite thing that I had ever written at the time. 5) My first words were “Goodbye” in English, French and Italian. 6) My family and I have a plan in the case of world ending apocalypse. My part involves loading up on water, protein bars and a map of France and walking to the continent using the Eurotunnel. 7) I am the least picky eater in the world but one thing that I will not drink under a

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