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Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Blog Tour: The Edge of Never review and giveaway

Release Date: November 15, 2012
Age: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Road Trip, Realistic Fiction, Drama, Love
Format: ebook
Source: AToMR Tours
Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett had always been one to think out-of-the-box, who knew she wanted something more in life than following the same repetitive patterns and growing old with the same repetitive life story. And she thought that her life was going in the right direction until everything fell apart.

Determined not to dwell on the negative and push forward, Camryn is set to move in with her best friend and plans to start a new job. But after an unexpected night at the hottest club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, she makes the ultimate decision to leave the only life she’s ever known, far behind.

With a purse, a cell phone and a small bag with a few necessities, Camryn, with absolutely no direction or purpose boards a Greyhound bus alone and sets out to find herself. What she finds is a guy named Andrew Parrish, someone not so very different from her and who harbors his own dark secrets. But Camryn swore never to let down her walls again. And she vowed never to fall in love.

But with Andrew, Camryn finds herself doing a lot of things she never thought she’d do. He shows her what it’s really like to live out-of-the-box and to give in to her deepest, darkest desires. On their sporadic road-trip he becomes the center of her exciting and daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But will Andrew’s dark secret push them inseparably together, or tear them completely apart?

Due to sexual content and language, this book is recommended for 17+.
This summer I read The Mayfair Moon and fell in love with the writing by this glorious author, J.A. Redmerski. I have every intention of finishing that series! I've just been in a PNR slump lately, because I have been sucked into a contemporary world and it won't let go. The Edge of Never is one Contemporary Romance that is holding me here, hoping to find more reads that are just as great!

When people ask me for a new read The Edge of Never has been the book I first recommend for about 2 months now. Unfortunately the downside to the blog tour was that I read the book as soon as I received a review copy which was way before my post date. I read the book, loved the book, then couldn't write or share my review for almost 2 freaking months. These past few weeks have been MURDER. Although I definitely expressed my love of the book before being able to express exactly why, and now you all get to know the specifics as to why I loved it and why I will be there to read every single future book J.A. Redmerski writes. Every. Single. One. This is one of those books that make me want to read more, more than 120 a year, I want to find more books that move me the way this one did. I am in love. Complete bliss.

Roadtrip-esque type reads are so fun. The sense of adventure and freedom are enough to make me want to drop everything and seek my own hours of driving or riding a bus. I loved how Camryn pretty much just said, forget you life, and blew the popsicle stand of plans. She's damaged goods and on her road to discovering herself and learning to trust again she meets quite possibly the best counterpart for her journey. Someone just as much as a mess as she is, but much better at hiding it.

Andrew started as this annoying pest in Camryn's get out of dodge escape. But, he ended up completely blowing my mind as to what his character was going to be. J.A. you have raised the bar. Andrew is definitely a top book boyfriend and a top book guy in general. He's sexy, hilarious, has great taste in tunes, and really is just an all around terrific smokin' hot terrific specimen of the male sex. ;)

This book is not what you think it's going to be. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It's deeper on every level. What ever idea you have in your mind, multiply it by 100. Ok, that's not right, 1000. Just when I got comfortable with the story and where it was going, J.A. pulled the freaking bus out from under me. She left me breathless, crying, and an emotional mess (don't think I won't send my shrink bills to you!) but in such a good way. I live for emotionally breaking, earth shattering reads, I don't want simple, predictable, or happily ever after I WANT THE EDGE OF NEVER. J.A. your book is officially part of my rating scale ;) If it can make me cry, laugh, and love all on the same page I'm content being a blubbering mess.

I loved this book. I loved the easy chatter, the note, the tattoo, the FREAKING ENDING. Oh man. See, now I'm a mess again. I loved it all. I can seriously not wait to read it again, and writing this review I'm thinking I will read it again right now. So share the book love!

Also, check out my newest favorite board on Pinterest:


About the Author
Author of THE DARKWOODS TRILOGY and DIRTY EDEN, mother, werewolf & zombie fanatic, book addict and a happy hermit obsessed with the Universe. Oh, and AMC’s “The Walking Dead”.
Addictions: Starbucks every morning, trolling Barnes & Noble’s shelves once a week, detesting winter, shopping flea markets and preparing for the collapse of society as we know it. Do I own a tin foil hat? Maybe. :-)
I was born in Arkansas and have lived here most of my life, except the couple of times when I lived in Pennsylvania. I started my first novel at the age of thirteen and have been writing something ever since. Generally, I love characters in life and on paper. I pay attention to people, especially those whose personalities make them different from the rest of us: the drug addict roaming the Laundromat that talks to himself, the young, inattentive mother in the park with the meanest kid on the playground – (the entire cast of ‘Swamp People’) – characters fascinate me and I hope that it shows in my literary work.

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