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Review: Eleanor and Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry

Eleanor & Grey, an all-new beautiful and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now! Greyson East left his mark on me. As the young girl who first fell for him, I didn’t know much about life. I did know about his smiles, though, and his laughs, and the strange way my stomach flipped when he was near. Life was perfect…until it wasn’t, and when we were forced to go our separate ways, I held on to our memories, let go of my first crush, and wished for the day I’d find him again. When my wish came true, it was nothing like I imagined. I couldn’t have known when I took the nanny position that it would be his children I looked after, that my new boss would be that boy I used to know, that boy who was now a man—a cold, lonely, detached man. The smile and laugh I had loved so much were gone, now distant memories. Every part of him was covered in a fresh pain. When he realized who I was, he made me promise to do my job and my job only. He made me promise not to try to ge

The Secret

Experiment in Terror

Happy Book Birthday to COME ALIVE!

Today is the release day of the 7th Experiment in Terror book (well, technically it's number 7 but there happen to be more than 7), Come Alive, by author Karina Halle. The EiT series features 2 of the best character developments and a great built up relationship between Dex and Perry. As a HUGE Karina Halle fan and a lover of all things EiT I had to go into detail about this series and gather some new EiT lovers and obsessees!

I talked a wee bit about Darkhouse, book 1, and the series here. But, here's each book with synopsis, Goodreads link (title) and some buy links! Remember Darkhouse is currently FREE, so it's a great opportunity to read it (get sucked into the series) and feel around a little to see if Dex and Perry's world is a fit for your world too! They are adult books, filled with mature content and language, so reader be aware.

Please note: All prices are subject to change and I strongly suggest double checking prices before one-clicking!

Darkhouse (EiT #1) by Karina Halle
With all the vampire, werewolf and faerie books out there, it's easy to become numb to all things supernatural. The antidote? Darkhouse introduces two real and unforgettable characters, Perry Palomino & Dex Foray, amateur ghost hunters who are "attractive, relatable and oddly heroic," "flawed but loveable," "slightly crazy" and just the most endearing pair to ever tackle the paranormal...just don't call them normal.
Darkhouse is a thrilling and sexy new take on concepts like Supernatural and The X-Files, bringing a breath of fresh air to a genre that has been inundated with the dead.
***Darkhouse and the Experiment in Terror series is a horror/romance for mature audiences only. Readers who are easily offended by harsh language should think twice about reading it.***
Currently FREE on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Red Fox (EiT #2) by Karina Halle
With Book Two of the Experiment in Terror Series, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray trade in the stormy Oregon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico.

In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild ani­mals slink through their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, and muti­lated sheep car­casses are turn­ing up on their prop­erty. Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast. Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshift­ing decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.

The Benson (EiT #2.5) by Karina Halle
This short story/novella sees amateur Youtube ghost-hunters, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray, investigating the real-life hauntings of Portland's infamous Benson Hotel. It occurs between books #2 (Red Fox) and #3 (Dead Sky Morning) and is the perfect primer for anyone interested in the EIT series.

Only $.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Dead Sky Morning (EiT #3) by Karina Halle
With the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show find­ing some suc­cess, ama­teur ghost hunters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray embark on their most ter­ri­fy­ing inves­ti­ga­tion yet. A tiny, fog-shrouded island in the rough strait between British Colum­bia and Wash­ing­ton State has held a dark secret for decades: It was a for­mer leper colony where over forty souls were left to rot, die and bury each other. Now a func­tion­ing camp­ground, Perry and Dex spend an iso­lated week­end there to inves­ti­gate poten­tial haunt­ings but as the duo quickly find out, there is more to fear on D’Arcy Island than just ghosts. The island quickly pits part­ner against part­ner, spi­ral­ing the pair into mad­ness that serves to destroy their san­ity, their rela­tion­ship and their very lives.
Only $.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Lying Season (EiT #4) by Karina Halle
Amateur ghost-hunter Perry Palomino has battled ghosts, fought off skinwalkers and skirted the fine line between life and death. But can she survive bunking down in Seattle for a week with her partner (and man she secretly loves) Dex and his perfect girlfriend, Jennifer? And can she do so while being tormented by a malicious spirit from Dex's increasingly shady past? With love and life in the balance, Perry must discover the truth among the lies or risk losing everything she's ever cared about.

Only $.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

On Demon Wings (EiT #5) by Karina Halle
When the life you wanted has crumbled beneath your fingers, there’s nothing left to do but pick up the pieces and soldier on. You’ve done this before.
But what happens when you no longer feel like yourself anymore? When fires spontaneously start-up around you, when you hear growling coming from underneath your bed, and you no longer recognize your face in the mirror. What happens then?
Ghost-hunter Perry Palomino doesn’t have much time to find out. Now, the evil she used to hunt is a lot closer to home. It’s inside of her, taking over her life bit-by-terrifying bit, and there’s only one person who can help her.

If part of her doesn’t kill him first.
Only $3.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Old Blood (EiT #5.5) by Karina Halle
A haunting novella from the Experiment in Terror Series...
From her harrowing introduction in Darkhouse, the spectre known as “Creepy Clown Lady” has been a constant fixture in Perry Palomino’s life. But beyond the horrid makeup and piercing stare lies Pippa, a woman just like everyone else.
Well, not quite.
When Perry discovered Pippa’s message to her and Dex on the EVP recordings, she thought she heard the last of the old woman’s message. She was wrong. In the novella Old Blood, Pippa relays the tale of her troubled and tortured past, revealing how an aspiring actress and loving mother fell into madness and how an unfathomable betrayal led to her untimely death.
For Perry, the repercussions of her message are life-shattering. Old Blood is #5.5 in the series and occurs between books #5 On Demon Wings and #6 Into the Hollow
Only $2.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

The Dex-Files (EiT #5.7) by Karina Halle
The truth is out there...
The Dex-Files is a compilation novel that accompanies the Experiment in Terror Series and is not to be-read as a stand-alone. In the Dex-Files we find a variety of scenes and chapters from the enigmatic Dex Foray's POV from books #1-6 in the series. Some of these scenes have been previously published, albeit from Perry's POV, while other scenes are completely new.
In addition to it not being a stand-alone, the novel also contains some major spoilers and should be read only by those who have read all the published books in the series.

Only $2.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Into the Hollow (EiT #6) by Karina Halle
Perry Palomino has fought her demons – and won – but the battle is far from over. She’s now left broken and on her own, leaving behind her life and family in Portland to focus on giving Dex Foray – and the Experiment in Terror show – a second chance. But their past mistakes continue to tease and test their relationship, as does the wild and desolate terrain of the Canadian Rockies.
The snow-covered peaks and ravenous forests hide an urban legend too unbelievably frightening to be true and the only way the duo has a chance of surviving is if Perry can let in the very man who sent her to hell and back.

Only $3.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

And With Madness Comes the Light (EiT #6.5) by Karina Halle
The Man. The Mystery. The Madness.
Dex Foray has never been anyone’s fool – until he missed his chance for happiness with Perry Palomino. Broken and alone, Dex has no choice but to rise from the ashes Perry left behind and find his own path to redemption. But nothing in Dex’s life has ever come easily, especially when there’s a dark madness waiting in the wings.
Told from Dex’s POV, And With Madness Comes the Light is short story/novella that spans the time period from the end of Lying Season (Book #4) until the end of On Demon Wings (Book #5). If you were ever wondering what really happened to Dex while Perry was gone - his journey to Dex 2.0 - now is your chance.
Only $2.99 on Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

Come Alive (EiT #7) by Karina Halle
It’s one thing to bring the woman you love back into your life. It’s another to try and keep her there. For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palomino to open her­self to their bur­geon­ing rela­tion­ship has been more chal­leng­ing than hunt­ing ghosts, bat­tling demons and stalk­ing Sasquatch com­bined. Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show run­ning is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­imus Jacobs — all while inves­ti­gat­ing a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans — and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter. Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart — are on the line.
Come Alive is told from Dex’s POV.
Only $3.99 on Amazon | Smashwords

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Blog Tour: And I Darken by Kiersten White

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Weekly Round-Up 9/2

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Review: Change Places With Me by Lois Metzger

Review: CHANGE PLACES WITH ME is a quiet, unassuming book that will unfortunately slip by a lot of readers. But it's a subtly disturbing book that makes you pause and think and wonder. Lois Metzger's beautifully written prose is haunted and almost lyrical. This book is definitely ... different. I'm not sure exactly what I expected when I started it, but I don't think it was this. It was a pleasant surprise. This book can only be described as a mystery shrouded in an enigma.  It's a fairly fast read, but I loved taking my time and savoring over the course of an afternoon. Metzger's writing and her heroine, Rose, are compelling and make for a great narrative. ABOUT CHANGE PLACES WITH ME: Rose has changed. She still lives in the same neighborhood with her stepmother and goes to the same high school with the same group of kids, but when she woke up today, something was just a little different than it was before. The dogs who live upstairs are no longer a terror. He

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